Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Festival Of Trees... Oh Festival Of Trees...

So all Summer long every Sunday in the park in the glaring summer heat, an impromptu festival of people gather at Mount Royal for the biggest unorganized event in North America. It's called The Tam-tams and it's basically a huge hippy fest with drum circles, dancers (dancing to the drums), poi spinners, tons of jugglers, sketchy homeless pot dealers and a lot of people just chilling out on the grass watching all this crazy shit. It's pretty chill. Turned my bad day into a sketch day which is always a good thing!! Check out these fun filled pictures!

Everyone gathers by this big monument thing in a big park on the side of the mountain.
Hazza! We found cool people (whom we met at a rave originally) to chill with!

Rows of vendors selling... hippie stuff...


More Stuff.

Crazy amounts of people just "show up" for this thing!
(one of the side drum circles in background, we danced there!)

Crowd with Courtney chillaxing

Is that a camera!?

Us dancing in the dirt pit!! Awesome!

Smiles All around! Hahaha!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing how I've lived in Montreal my whole life and have still yet to ever attend a Tams XD