So I'm busy working mass hours at my new job. I've been picking up mass shifts and am at the place for massive amounts of time! In my mass boredom I been reading logic puzzles and learning to type using homerow keyboarding. I typed this whole thing using homerow! I'm slowly improving.. Boy, relay work is the wierdest job.
"Hello this is operator xxxxxx from the Relay Service
(I cannot disclose my identity, its in my contract), I have someone on the line who wishes to communicate with you, have you ever done a relay call before?"
"Let me explain, I am a Relay Service Operator, the person on the line needs my assistance to communicate over the telephone. For this conversation I will type everything you say. I will voice what the caller types. When you hear me say "Go Ahead" please respond by speaking slowly and speak as if you are talking directly to the caller. Say "Go Ahead" when you are finished speaking. Do you understand?"
I am a Relay Service Operator. I'm a neutral third party to hundreds of conversations. From stupid pranks, to tech support, to Social Security to Old Ladies chatting about old times, to incredibly awkward situations, preteen relationship talks, boys who sit on the phone and say "Suck my dick" "No you suck my dick faggot" via my voice
(why don't they just suck each others dicks and get it over with?), to Gay love quadrangles (complete with crying and a broken up gay marriage engagement), every kind of call ever placed over the telephone.
The service is designed for the deaf and hard of hearing and those who cannot speak. Weird eh? I've done my 3 weeks training and have been on the floor for a week and what a week its been...
Off to bed with me then! Got to be gettin up soon... =( To many early days... That'll change soon though -> later shifts next 2 weeks.
Love you kids!