Thursday, June 29, 2006

Packing day... the day before the moving day...

Hello Packing Day, today we got to play with you! Hooray!!.. Back Pain! So we are moving all of our stuff to Courntey's new apartment where she will be living once she gets back here to Montreal, we are flying out back to Edmonton for a visit on the 5th of July and from there I don't know where I'll be living... It's been fun this city is amazing. I had my last day of work yesterday and had to say goodbye to all my friends there... aww... it was sad I really had come to love that place... I owe my newfoud fast typing skills to Nordia =D hooooray!! My friend Greg from New York and my friend Mark from Calgary (who is visiting me in July!) might have a kind of goodbye thing... somewhere on Saturday?? The details I've been given are sketchy... Friday after we move we're both headed to"Hard As Fuck: 666!!" With fuckin SCOTT BROWN!! OMG!! SWEET!! =D anyway here's some pics of our moving day...

Our bedroom almost packed up.. my life fits into 9 boxes and 3 suitcases... 2 Large ones and one small one... Jeremy do I have a poster to show you... and some magazines... lol

The Kitchen... in mid-pack

Our beatuiful living room ripped to shreads..

My computer is ready to be packed later tonight after I blog...

Me pretending to be packing for a photo...

edit : I am in the process of making my hair fun colours with black streaks or something.. so that's why it's bleach blonde =D That's one of those wierd things humans do... burning their scalp so their hair changed colour... odd creatures humans...

The C@7!!!

...Shit dudes.. I'm coming HOME!! Crazy..

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Saturday, June 24, 2006


Alright so here we're demoing this strange Montreal Foot Fashion... odd i know...

I werk here.

Me in the metro station... after work or something..

Riding the metro for 45 minutes home... bored enuff to play with my camera.

Liquiding by McGill metro station =D

I got my piercings redone and they're poi proof!! They have captive balls or something so you can hit them and whatever but only pliers can get them out =D This is a few minutes after I got them repierced =D I also fixed my eyebrow and it's metal again now!

Courtney and liquid =D


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Yeah it's comin..

I've been working on a good post (with pictures yay!) but instead you get this scary video until I'm done. =D

Zombie Murder Hypnosis Demonstration.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Welcome to Montreal...

This is just the beginning...

Today as I left work I received a text message from Courtney informing me that her pot seeking antics of the day had proved unsuccessful. I lashed into action bringing down with me a fury of pot locating action! "To the metro I say!"
Down in the metro this guy from my work was hopelessly trying to romance yet another girl from work... Now don't get me wrong, he is definently a nice guys but remember how it goes, "Nice guys always lose." Let's pray that is not the case or both I and he are looking towards a grim horizon... So we get talking I come over to say "Hi" because i genuinely think he's a friendly person and I don't' mind them friendly... It's when they smile too much, those are the ones you gotta watch out for... So we got talking he asked me what was planned for the night,
"Uhhh.. Well I haveta find some pot then go home, maybe smoke it and go to sleep." Now this probably came sounding to him about as interesting as his home made 'vanilla ice cream with smartie' bowls he so thoroughly enjoys on his nights alone in Montreal -- a rather humorous anecdote I must admit.
"There like blizzards or something... but.. cheaper..."
So at his stop on the orange line he invited me to come search for pot near the mountain, where he lives, I obliged thinking something like,
"Hooray! Another party joins the search! We can double our pot seeking efficiency at this rate!!!"
After showing me his house, offering to cook me chicken, getting me some white milk, demoing the CD of the acapella group he's in (he's a bass) and generally more chit chat we resumed the adventure; my hope of success at this point dwindling with the passing minute. Not only did this guy complete my mission (and from preppy kids too!!) he offered to walk me all the way to Atwater so I could catch the night bus home. (probably about a 45 minute walk or more) I was actually having fun with this kid but logic gave way to me catching the last metro home and cutting this strange but suprisingly comfortable meeting to a more abrupt close. We'll have to continue this adventure some other time I think we'll both agree on that.

So I took the last metro home...

At the bus stop I had to wait 20 minutes for my bus and I, as per usual when I have to wait for a long time at the bus stop, busted out my poi. I attracted the attention of a young (my age or slightly older) sketch case, a nice sketch case at that but very pleasantly sketchy. My kind of person, I bathe in sketch. He wanted to try my poi with very little success, not suprising after I learned that he was on day #2 and wanted to borrow my lighter to smoke crack. I lent him the lighter. Nice guy, pleasant but like so many of my meth addicted friends at home, hopelessly addicted to a drug. We talked for 10 minutes and rode the same bus home. We live on the same street and he went on to tell me that he strips at some place in the gay village and I could make over $200 a night. He wasn't pushy or anything just making conversation, I actually enjoyed his company somewhat. I can relate to him oddly enough... He mentioned he had determined I was gay, I asked and he told me he's bi. You'd think I was crazy if I told you how many men here simply have no sexual preference... it's all just sex here. I wished him well, I kinda hope I see him around...

I got home.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Fridge in the K-hole...

Here is our fridge today!!!
A work of sketchy art...
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Friday, June 02, 2006

I don't know if you like poetry...

I know, I know... You don't want to hear poetry.. Who the hell reads poetry? Poetry is for angsty teenagers... Well recently I dug up this gem, a relic from my poetry writing days. It is originally titled "Sad Men" but that is somewhat of an uninspired title so through some clever editing by Yours Truely, I fixed it up a bit.. Turn your litso this way, open your glazzies and viddy this horrorshow piece of.. work?

Two words... Awe Inspiring. Yes brothers, take this new found knowledge and spend it wisely, never let anyone tell you otherwise. They're just trying to poison your mind, like mine is already poisoned...


Anyway today is a strange day for me... a lot of stuff is happening to and in me and I wish I had Jer here for support... I need someone to keep me on the path and i dunno.. I have these sick inner desires that I hate driving me to do things I despise... Not to be too specific. My head is a fucking warzone and I don't know if I'll like the hardened person that emerges when the gunfire ceases and the machine guns stop the bloody rage of terror... Not to be overly metaphorical.

There is no food here, I have money just no time to buy groceries. I haven't eaten anything of substance in prolly 48 hours or so... Not drugs or anything I just down all these energy drinks to keep me going in my job and I don't really feel hungry.. Yeah I should stop that...

And I just figured out why I feel so crappy so I'll stop with the boo hoo hooing *wink*

I love you guys and I don't know what's gonna happen but Jeremy, if you read this, I really don't want our paths to separate... Who is here for me but you? I love you kiddo =D


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Old Pictures!!! Yay...

Hey kids, I DO have pictures of crazy stuff we've been up do (we are always up to something crazy) I am tired and I work tomorrow and I've been dying Courtney's hair random colours for the past while... anyway I'll try to get to it tomorrow, in the mean time please enjoy these photos! I found them from my photo archive... with a new photo browser I am using =D BIG SMILE =D It's called Picasa and it's from Google.. If you have trouble managing your photos, check it out. I like it far better than Adobe PhotoAlbum... don't get me started on all that crap.. anyway! For your viewing pleasure...

Pictures From Mount something rather...

A frozenish water fall in the early morning, November 12th/2004 Posted by Picasa

Looking onto the canyon below the falls. Early morning, November 12/2004 Posted by Picasa