Sunday, November 05, 2006

Back In Black!!!

Yo kiddies! I'm back from my blog hiatus and better than ever! I've been not only busy with settling in and trying to make friends and being depressed and doing schoolwork and all that fun stuff but I've also had my internet connection raped by my other roommates preventing me from blogging so here we go! I have some sweet ass pictures finally since this IS a photo blog. (worth a thousand words) Being in film school I'm starting to have to carry my camera everywhere and that is beginning to result in some sweet ass photos! (That and I finally was forced to read my camera manual to figure out how to do my assignments haha)

So!! Firstly I've met about 4 really cool people that I actually would want to be good friends with and they are...

Zack and Andreas (Drea or Dr.Drea for short) who can be seen here (Zack is the native guy on the left and Andreas is the Swiss guy in the back right with his big smile =D)

Both really cool, Andreas is Swiss so he speaks Switzerdeutsch as well as German, he's 26 and straight despite his snappy dressing *wink* We get along swimmingly =D

This is Amanda! She's pretty sweet and I might move in with her come the end of November when her roommate moves back to Thailand... she's one of those sweet girls who you just know is itching to burst out of her shell and she does... she has a wild side ;) A bunch of us are going clubbing @ this club "celebrities" this Saturday (which is apparently the good day to go) It's on Davie and apparently there's *gasp* real live gay people there!!! (OMG GAY GUYS IN VANCOUVER!?!? NO WAY!!) Seriously they killed all their fags or something. It's sad really ;)

(As a side note... notice my ears.. they're stretched to a 4!!!)

My other good friend is Mariajose (MJ for short) a coolio funtastic Mexican raver who doesn't appear in these photos cuz she's not legal (19 here) until Nov 17 when we are getting piss ass drunk @ some bar to celebrate. She drinks with us anyway but the bar we went to is IDcore...

Drunk ass!!!

So that was Friday... the first Friday that didn't end in depression (Hooray for me! Boo for American Assholes!!) Tonight I was out taking fire spinning photos for my assignment due Tuesday when it began a torrential downpour!!! SHIT SON does it rain here! It's great (for now anyway) cuz I love the rain! It makes me smile! =D It's still plus 11 outside and it's midnight!! Hooray Vancouver weather!

Let me show you what I've been learning (well a very small portion mind you I hope to post some of my cooler assignments... I made this chair and bed in a style ala "The Matrix" in 2D design class, they are drawn in 1 and 2 point perspective and they turned out great!!)

This is how I would have taken a picture before learning about photography.

And this is after. Notice how I corrected the exposure and white balance *wink* A car even went by leaving a coolio streak on the left. Anyway this is me standing outside my house in the torrential rain about 15 minutes ago... the camera was inside the doorway which opens right up to the street. I can hear loud traffic all night (ugh.)

So here's part of my assignment, we're playing with shutter speeds, white balance and exposure compensation basically getting familiar with Lens Based Media (as the course is called) and during a short lol in the rain I managed to get these pictures of me fire spinning on the beach (Yes, we have beaches!! Crazy!)

Another fire photograph... look mom! I can make patterns!!

On that note I leave you, look forward to some more blogging good times!! I've just been in a bad mood and I typed up this one post about school but it was terribly uninteresting and my internet wasn't working that day (FAWK MY ROOMMATES!) so you may never see it.

Peace! Love you kids!

P.S. Leave a comment!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Okay so this has been awhile in coming...

(This is the post that I mention didn't get posted... well apparently it got half posted... so now it is complete. It's not that great anyway...)

Hey everybody! (Or at least my one reader haha... hey Jeremy! *waves*... on that note post a comment if you read my blog... the mystery is killing me.)

So this post I've been putting off for awhile and I'm not quite sure why... I guess I don't have anything SuP3R ExCItiN9 to write about other than school and the people I'm forced... *clears throat* I mean the people I hang out with. (No I joke, I joke, some of them are genuinely cool) School is going great, it's pretty much everything I ever dreamed as far as the actual course goes... the classmates do unfortunately leave a bit to be desired. We have an unusually large class (31 peeps from every corner of the globe you can name and some I've never heard of) but the problem is that most of them are fresh outta high school and still have that "high school mentality" that I was so eager to cast off years ago. ("If you can get away without doing the work, why not?" Why Not? $17000 that's why not bitch.) But besides that shortfall the content is incredible, I have 8 classes this term (6 terms in the 48 week class)

Art History 01 - The history of art from the prehistoric to the postmodern. We have to profs, one teaches the philosophy aspect (it seems great thinkers like plato and aristotle thought a lot about art) and the other (Jay) teaches the art history aspect. Very cool class, I love it and all it is is lectures and exams.

Lens Based Media 01 - Just what the name says, we're studying photography this term at least... we had this project where we had to go around and find the 26 letters of the alphabet and create well composed photos with them...

Here's my "M"

Here's my "V"

Communication Design 01 - Uhh... I couldn't tell you exactly what this class is... It's teaching us to design things to communicate specific ideas sorta... or that's the ultra-compressed explanation... The real one took 30 minutes. Our first project was the most annoying thing I've ever done. We has to arrange 4 black squares within a frame in 6 different ways to communicate different things such as "order" "bold" "increase" "congestion" "playful" and "tension". I'd show you my work that took fucking 4 hours to draw 4 billion fucking black boxes (I was cursing as I worked) but I'm having some problems with my internet connection since my roommates are fuckers who sit around and download movies 24/7 leaving me with 0.5kb/s download speeds and worse. (Not joking) I need to get out of here.

The other courses are 2D design 01(perspective drawing), Life drawing 01 (drawing nudes and objects from life, learning to "see"), Sequential media 01(telling stories with sequenced media), Digital Design 01(Adobe photoshop class), and Acting (Hooray!!!)

Anyway I'll try to upload some pictures but my roommates are internet hogs from HELL!! I'm MOVING OUT! AHHHHH!!!