Term 3 in a word is : boring.
I have nothing to do. Yeah, I have some work to do, but it's not due until next week and shouldn't take THAT much time. I'm confident it will pick up around finals (I'll have to shoot another short and that takes A LOT out of you -- mentally, emotionally, physically)
Anyway life in Vancouver is pretty quiet... I have a few friends sorta and they come over sometimes and I see them around school... but one thing that really bugs me is I still don't feel like I have a social life here in Vancouver... It's hard to "get connected" with anyone outside of school and I'm afraid my time here is turning me into somewhat of a social recluse with a semi-serious aversion to human social interaction. I'm not really sure what to do about that... I mean coming to a city alone presents some pretty unique problems. It's hard to meet ANYONE without a close friend to bring along so you feel comfortable or at least not completely outside of your element. You don't meet people at a club if you go alone. You just don't. And bars are weird, not only do they cater to older clientele here in Vancouver, the people you meet at gay bars probably are not people you want to be meeting...
So for the moment I feel somewhat displaced and hoping the summer will bring with it new opportunities to meet new people :)
I did some stuff for school.. it's kinda cool, check it out.
"Denoument" A film directed by your's truly and thrown together in 2 weeks which is pretty impressive when you consider the workload here... I also did most of the post-production. This is the first short film project and compared to the rest of the class it was awesome so don't judge too harshly... I think it turned out okay.

This is my first foray into the exciting world of vector graphics...
"Vector graphics // is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and polygons, which are all based upon mathematical equations to represent images in computer graphics." --Wikipedia
Basically, as opposed to raster images which are only viewable in their native resolution, vector graphics are resolution independent since they are based on algorithms as opposed to data. What does that mean? Simply put, however big you may want to scale them (say, as large a skyscraper) they would still look as crisp and clear as the original. This is titled "reflections" but perhaps it should be titled "My idealized self"? It was actually made using photos of me as reference... then I beefed him up a little *chuckle*
Anyway nj0i...
Peace, love
P.S. And while your at it... why not check out my newly updated DeviantArt profile? I've uploaded some of my photography =D