Friday, April 07, 2006

Fun Poi-O-Rama!! Yay poi!

Poi is awesome kids.

Par exemple...

2 nite when I got back from work Courtney was busy studying and we wanted to go dance but there really is nothing amazing happening 2nite (that doesn't cost $35) hahaha.. I price I can only dream of affording (I remember the days I blew thousands of $$$ on drugs, oh those were the days.. kinda... =S In retrospect I can think of better ways to spend money... which is good.) Anyway... (Stop making tangents Jeremy -- No! You stop doing drugs and talking to yourself sketchcase!!!)

ANYWAY... She really needed a break from studying so we had a poi sesh in our unused bedroom!!! (We call it the sketchy room) So she learned the reverse 3 beat (she had a good teacher) AND I finally conquered the reverse 5 beat AND the reverse Behind the back 3 beat!! Woo! Now this may all seem like gibberish to some of you but, for all you unenlightening non-poi folk (we call you "the normies") I made a fun fun video!! Yay!

If the video does not work, click here

You will see me here first starting with the forward 5 beat and going to a 5 beat righthand 360 into a 5 beat lefthand 360... then I massively screw up a Behind the back 3 beat a couple times before I bust out my MAD skillz *rolleseyes* Then I transition into this coolie combo I came up with.. It's like a sweepity sweep TO THE MAX!! And then I show you kids the reverse 5 beat I just learned. =D

I'm sure some people are like -- wtf are you doing? that's lame. But poi is MAD awesome!! It's like a discipline... It's calming is many ways and it makes you big and strong *wink*

Anyway I thot it'd be cool to have a video on here so nj0i kids =D

P.S. You can see our living room here... It's kinda messy right now and the rug is gone for now cuz an ashtray spilled on it (it's a white shag area rug =D) but in the background you will see our bedroom through the windows. Yes, I know what you're thinking, you CAN crawl through them.. It's fun.

Love you guys!!! L8r skaterz =p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...