Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Break...

Ahh, Christmas time, how I loathe you.

I've made it my personal mission to remove the cheesy archaic saying "Merry Christmas" from my vocabulary. Instead I try "Enjoy your Christmas" or "Have a good Christmas", I believe that this makes the comment authentic. (at least more so) You see I dislike something about this "Christmas"... maybe it's that damn Christmas music that gets to me... maybe it's those awful Christmas movies everyone's rushing out to see... maybe it's because we're more inclined to give stuff and not hugs... who knows.

You know all those Christmas Teddies?

They end up in a landfill. =D

Anyway, I'm back on Edmonton for the Christmas break and I've been back about 9 days with only 7 days remaining until I must fly back for my next 10 month period @ school. The last two months were just a warm-up.

I spent the first few days of my time here in Edmonton mostly sleeping and depressed. Getting "back into the groove" of Edmonton brought with it a flood of unfinished business and old emotion that I had the pleasure of diving into. I felt like I was almost socially inept initially... didn't know what to say... in a sort of "after shock" of coming home. The whole week I spent visiting friends trying to make sure to see everyone who needs seeing. I took a huge load off my back by resolving some things that had been heavy on my mind since I left. Matters with old friends... Big things left unsaid. I feel a lot better and had a great weekend visiting with my cousin Tyler. We both entertain each other with our sharp wit ;) We also watched all 11 episodes of the new show "Heroes" and generally lazed about. Twas a good time had by all (well maybe not the adults... they were all upstairs and looked bored -- twas a full house this Christmas)

Not very exciting I know... but that's just Christmas for you.

To jazz things up a little I put a bit of work into a little project of mine, my first equirectangular panoramic image. In other words a 2:1 ratio image size, 360 degrees horizontal and 180 vertical -- made in such a way as to be projected onto a sphere -- see below...

When projected on a sphere looks like this...

Click Here for a bigger window size
(It's quite high resolution -- it's worth it!!)

So this is what my living room in Edmonton looks like in the days leading up to Christmas... see for yourself. Cool no? Don't mind the minor stitching errors (mostly caused by parallax I believe) and the big black hole in the middle of the living room... it all started with some super heavy elements wandering into the living room and before I knew it they caused a gravitational collapse and matter and energy inevitably collapsed to a density beyond the limits of known physics. Oh well, just pretend it isn't there...

Anyway Hope ur xMASS break is goin great!!!

Peace, love,


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm on a role...

Wow 3 posts in 3 days... a testament to how little free time I have during school. Tonight is the second last night I spend at my crappy little place on Victoria Drive and boy am I happy to leave! =D The toilet's been fucked for a few days (luckily there are 2) so I turned off the water so no one would use it and spill piss and shit all over the floor when the toilet flooded... My landlord came screaming down the hall "Jeremy!!!" and accused me of using the plugged toilet and spilling shit everywhere. It was one of my roommates. The whole house smelled like shit.

My apartment was very gross so I decided now would be a good time to collect some more memories before the move... in keeping with my new fascination with panoramas... I took a panorama of the street and place that I've been living. It turned out well and it's *gasp* 360 degrees!! Wow!! Check it out...

I live in the ugly square pinkish building with 2 white doors directly across the street from where the photo was shot (in the center of the photo). My door is on the left and my window is the one on the upper left. Good riddance... too bad tho, I just found a good dealer who delivers. Can't have your cake and eat it too I guess.

Anyway after I snapped those photos I noticed a firetruck whip by and turn down 22nd street, I looked over and saw a massive column of smoke (if you look down the street just to the right of my house in the panorama you can see the black smoke) I ran over and saw a truck engulfed in flames!! Check it out!

There was like... an explosion and shit!! Cool!! (I later kicked myself for not recording a video) The one paper editor I contacted said they were tight on space for tomorrow or he'd run them but told me they were nice pics and to remember him for the future *beam* At that point I got lazy and didn't want to waste my time tryin to get them published.

So I got home and walked upstairs (WITH MY SHOES ON *GASP* so I wouldn't have to walk through the shit water all over the floor) the landlord dude is cleaning up the toilet and starts getting mad at me about the shoes (sue me for not wanting to walk in piss and shit) and asks me "Did you shave? There's hair all over the floor?!" I did shave I told him and I did clean up and would have swept once the floor was dry but didn't have a chance on account of the shit. He didn't go for it. Asshole. Later he comes pounding on my door telling me to wash my dishes. Now we all know how much I like taking orders to naturally I committed to not washing anymore dishes until I leave Friday. When I left the house an hour later he'd done my dishes for me (???) What the fuck? I thought I moved out of my parents house... hm.

Anyway I couldn't be more happy that I signed my lease and paid my deposit today on my new place 3 blocks from my school! Hooray!! =D And we're gonna get a cat! Yay! I miss having a kitty...

Anyway I re-rendered the Science World panorama and fixed the errors but now downtown Vancouver looks like it's sinking into the ocean... maybe it's just me? School has definitely brought out the meticulous perfectionist in me... Whatever.

Anyway I'm sick of rendering that one for now so it'll just be a natural disaster until I find time to pull Vancouver out of the sea...

Hope all is well in Edmonton,

See you all on Saturday!

Lots of love,


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A little fun with photography...

So in my first day off I went to see a christmas romance movie, "The Holiday". Bad combination I know. Scripting so corny and the acting so... wierd... Oh well, it was free! Yay for friends who work at the Theater!

After that I was near school and needed to return some equipment and while I was there I borrowed a tripod over the christmas break and took it out for some sightseeing (of sorts) Actually I just composed 2 panoramic shots on the way home from the movie/school.

I think they're neat and I've been itching to build some panoramas for awhile now... now I finally have the know-how and the motivation (yay for school??) The first one I shot (the skytrain station) I was unsure if it would turn out and I think it turned out the best... I think I should have manually set the white balance for the second (the Science World Panorama) although I deemed it unnecessary in the darkened conditions and left it on auto... this shows slightly in the image... as well there are a few mistakes in the images. In the skytrain image the mistake is unavoidable due to subject movement and the Science World image I may need to re-render at a later date since it took me prolly about an hour to render, crop and fix at full resolution (pumped out a 24193 x 3285, 300dpi, 45.4Mb file hahaha - my computer was crawling...) so I'll save re-rendering for later but check em' out!! Soo cool!! =D

This is a view of the south east end of Vancouver's downtown (not much of downtown is visible from here) What is here however, is the stadium and "Science World". Although this is a cool picture, it's not yet perfect so appreciate it for what it is and not for what it isn't because it isn't a few things, one of them being perfect... It is however, cool for my first "real" panoramic image...

This next one is pretty cool to... it's a tribute to the SkyTrain that I have to ride every day... and I hate so much! I hate you SkyTrain! You are too crowded in the mornings... you make me feel like a cow.

That's all kiddies! Hope you like my handiwork... it's taken me like... 4 hours of stitching... time to make some food and then sleep. Have to sign the tenant agreement for my new apartment tomorrow! Hooray!

Ahh, memories...

Well today (Dec 11th) marks the last day of my term 1 classes. I survived. So far. School is challenging not so much academically but mainly emotionally if that makes any sense. Stress and depression has pretty much been my life these past 2 months and it's really getting to me. On the bright side, I'm doing very well in school and I really absolutely enjoy the course content! This school is VERY atypical of most and they really work you. Hard. I remember what fun was like... sorta... I've been staying @ school until 2:30 on my WEEKENDS!! That's right I haven't gone out in 3 weeks -- I have no time much less energy!

Currently I'm living pretty far from school (20-55 min commute) depending on time of day and traffic conditions on the SkyTrain (The SkyTrain is over packed hell. If you like feeling like prodded cattle ride the SkyTrian to school or work every day. It just gets to you... I yelled at a poor girl on the SkyTrain... I haven't been myself lately I've been wound up tight and now that I don't have homework for the first time in 2 months I hardly know what to do with myself... I cleaned my room spotless in preparation for my half-move on the 15th. (I rented a car and everything! I can't wait to drive!! =D ) I'm spending FAR too much money on eating out everyday and it's impossible to carry around food to eat at lunch (I have enough equipment to haul everywhere as it is) so I'm moving downtown!!! W0007!!! So pumped! I'll be living 3 blocks from school and that will hopefully begin to help me solve problems (And I pray won't create worse ones -- finance is a worry -- very complicated I can't get into it) It's very crowded in Vancouver and I put a lot of energy into finding a place this past week. I almost ended up without a home as my lease is up on the 15th and the place I was to move didn't work out so I was plunged into a mad dash to get an apartment and I think this all should work out (please God...)

Anyway I spent my newfound free time cleaning, eating and getting my place ready for easy packing when I have to pack wed/thurs. I have this huge folder filled with all my school stuff from Term 1 and stuck a few memories in it too... then I got playing and combined my curiosity about panoramic photos with my anticipated nostalgia and made some panoramas of my bedroom!!!

Without further ado,

For your viewing pleasure - my bedroom @ 12am.

I think this could be the start of something.. panoramic photos really intrigue me!

In other news I'm flying back to Edmonton on December 16th - 31st for the break and moving into my new place when I get back! I'll try and be less depressed and blog more frequently... Life is just... hard right now. Plenty of self-discovery and not everything I discover I like. This school is a major test of meddle... I'm hoping Term 2 is better!! I'm getting to know people outside my class and I think that's key to happiness here in Vancouver...

Anyway I apologize for distantness... it's just hard enough to keep up with life here much less life back home/other places...

Love you kids!

Jeremy =D

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Back In Black!!!

Yo kiddies! I'm back from my blog hiatus and better than ever! I've been not only busy with settling in and trying to make friends and being depressed and doing schoolwork and all that fun stuff but I've also had my internet connection raped by my other roommates preventing me from blogging so here we go! I have some sweet ass pictures finally since this IS a photo blog. (worth a thousand words) Being in film school I'm starting to have to carry my camera everywhere and that is beginning to result in some sweet ass photos! (That and I finally was forced to read my camera manual to figure out how to do my assignments haha)

So!! Firstly I've met about 4 really cool people that I actually would want to be good friends with and they are...

Zack and Andreas (Drea or Dr.Drea for short) who can be seen here (Zack is the native guy on the left and Andreas is the Swiss guy in the back right with his big smile =D)

Both really cool, Andreas is Swiss so he speaks Switzerdeutsch as well as German, he's 26 and straight despite his snappy dressing *wink* We get along swimmingly =D

This is Amanda! She's pretty sweet and I might move in with her come the end of November when her roommate moves back to Thailand... she's one of those sweet girls who you just know is itching to burst out of her shell and she does... she has a wild side ;) A bunch of us are going clubbing @ this club "celebrities" this Saturday (which is apparently the good day to go) It's on Davie and apparently there's *gasp* real live gay people there!!! (OMG GAY GUYS IN VANCOUVER!?!? NO WAY!!) Seriously they killed all their fags or something. It's sad really ;)

(As a side note... notice my ears.. they're stretched to a 4!!!)

My other good friend is Mariajose (MJ for short) a coolio funtastic Mexican raver who doesn't appear in these photos cuz she's not legal (19 here) until Nov 17 when we are getting piss ass drunk @ some bar to celebrate. She drinks with us anyway but the bar we went to is IDcore...

Drunk ass!!!

So that was Friday... the first Friday that didn't end in depression (Hooray for me! Boo for American Assholes!!) Tonight I was out taking fire spinning photos for my assignment due Tuesday when it began a torrential downpour!!! SHIT SON does it rain here! It's great (for now anyway) cuz I love the rain! It makes me smile! =D It's still plus 11 outside and it's midnight!! Hooray Vancouver weather!

Let me show you what I've been learning (well a very small portion mind you I hope to post some of my cooler assignments... I made this chair and bed in a style ala "The Matrix" in 2D design class, they are drawn in 1 and 2 point perspective and they turned out great!!)

This is how I would have taken a picture before learning about photography.

And this is after. Notice how I corrected the exposure and white balance *wink* A car even went by leaving a coolio streak on the left. Anyway this is me standing outside my house in the torrential rain about 15 minutes ago... the camera was inside the doorway which opens right up to the street. I can hear loud traffic all night (ugh.)

So here's part of my assignment, we're playing with shutter speeds, white balance and exposure compensation basically getting familiar with Lens Based Media (as the course is called) and during a short lol in the rain I managed to get these pictures of me fire spinning on the beach (Yes, we have beaches!! Crazy!)

Another fire photograph... look mom! I can make patterns!!

On that note I leave you, look forward to some more blogging good times!! I've just been in a bad mood and I typed up this one post about school but it was terribly uninteresting and my internet wasn't working that day (FAWK MY ROOMMATES!) so you may never see it.

Peace! Love you kids!

P.S. Leave a comment!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Okay so this has been awhile in coming...

(This is the post that I mention didn't get posted... well apparently it got half posted... so now it is complete. It's not that great anyway...)

Hey everybody! (Or at least my one reader haha... hey Jeremy! *waves*... on that note post a comment if you read my blog... the mystery is killing me.)

So this post I've been putting off for awhile and I'm not quite sure why... I guess I don't have anything SuP3R ExCItiN9 to write about other than school and the people I'm forced... *clears throat* I mean the people I hang out with. (No I joke, I joke, some of them are genuinely cool) School is going great, it's pretty much everything I ever dreamed as far as the actual course goes... the classmates do unfortunately leave a bit to be desired. We have an unusually large class (31 peeps from every corner of the globe you can name and some I've never heard of) but the problem is that most of them are fresh outta high school and still have that "high school mentality" that I was so eager to cast off years ago. ("If you can get away without doing the work, why not?" Why Not? $17000 that's why not bitch.) But besides that shortfall the content is incredible, I have 8 classes this term (6 terms in the 48 week class)

Art History 01 - The history of art from the prehistoric to the postmodern. We have to profs, one teaches the philosophy aspect (it seems great thinkers like plato and aristotle thought a lot about art) and the other (Jay) teaches the art history aspect. Very cool class, I love it and all it is is lectures and exams.

Lens Based Media 01 - Just what the name says, we're studying photography this term at least... we had this project where we had to go around and find the 26 letters of the alphabet and create well composed photos with them...

Here's my "M"

Here's my "V"

Communication Design 01 - Uhh... I couldn't tell you exactly what this class is... It's teaching us to design things to communicate specific ideas sorta... or that's the ultra-compressed explanation... The real one took 30 minutes. Our first project was the most annoying thing I've ever done. We has to arrange 4 black squares within a frame in 6 different ways to communicate different things such as "order" "bold" "increase" "congestion" "playful" and "tension". I'd show you my work that took fucking 4 hours to draw 4 billion fucking black boxes (I was cursing as I worked) but I'm having some problems with my internet connection since my roommates are fuckers who sit around and download movies 24/7 leaving me with 0.5kb/s download speeds and worse. (Not joking) I need to get out of here.

The other courses are 2D design 01(perspective drawing), Life drawing 01 (drawing nudes and objects from life, learning to "see"), Sequential media 01(telling stories with sequenced media), Digital Design 01(Adobe photoshop class), and Acting (Hooray!!!)

Anyway I'll try to upload some pictures but my roommates are internet hogs from HELL!! I'm MOVING OUT! AHHHHH!!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Meet the roommates...

Alright so I've begun settling into my new place here in Vancouver, I arrived yesterday and unpacked my 2 68 pound suitcases (They had to stick big HEAVY) stickers on them at the airport heehaw... I definitely DO NOT travel light. *shrug* Sue me...

Anyway I was kinda dreading meeting the roommates more so after my brief introduction with two of them yesterday... I think I made a bad first impression but I guess that's unavoidable when you're a gay kid in a room full of hockey jocks... ugh. Anyway I got to actually converse with the lot of them today, there are 5 in total and mostly very diverse. One of my regrets is that there are not more females here as I sometimes have trouble making friends with straight guys... it's awkward for me, I don't like it being that way but that's just the way it is. *sigh* Oh well, life goes on...

So roommate #1 - I think his name is "Mario" but it's pronounced really weird and I can't quite say it yet. Makes for a slightly awkward meeting when you can't even say the persons name... *sigh* He, his friend (roommate #3) and his girlfriend (roommate #2) are all from Slovakia and they moved to Canada about 4 months ago looking for work. None of them are students which kinda sucks... students have a different life than those that work and I was hoping to mingle with fellow students during my stay here. *shrug* Oh well... anyway he's pretty cute and I got into conversation with both him and his girlfriend today (Hooray!) She mentioned that she was glad that a friendly person finally moved in here as she doesn't get much outta the others apparently. Bad news for me.

Their friend (roommate #3) who lives here is also from Slovakia... he is big, ugly, and mean. I said "Hey" to him as we were both in the kitchen and asked him a question about the sink and he didn't even look at me he just had a scowl on his face... what a stupid fuck, not even acknowledge someone else's presence... must be the bowls and bowls of rice I see him eating... anyway.... moving right along... (excuse my sharp tongue, this was only moments ago and I'm still a little miff'd)

Deni (roommate #4), he seems cool but the girl tells me that she rarely gets more than a "Hi, hows it going?" outta him. He's studying acting at Capilano college... We exchanged a few sentences before he had to crash due to his hangover. Seems easy to get along with, I predict good things...

The other guy (roommate #5) I don't know his name I just met him as we got off the same bus at the same time. He's in product engineering @ UBC and that's all I got outta him. He guessed I was an actor but no I told him I'm a Computer Graphic Artist... has a nice ring to it..

Beyond meeting the roomies I've been running little errands, I found the grocery store and went looking for a toaster and computer desk & wound up finding a happenin' street (4th Street) with cool stores (Think WestEd meets Whyte Ave meets NewAge) and instead of a toaster I got a backpack and some piercings (I stretched my lobes to a 4 and I have black tunnels!!! Sweet deal =D)

Anyway now I'm back @ home and found out all my personal belongings won't be coming until Monday... but I have orientation all Monday long and won't be here to receive them! ARG! Computer I miss you!

More to come soon, as well as the conclusion to the 69 hour sketch adventure as well as photos as soon as I get my computer here =(...

Love you kids! Miss you guys! Visit me! lol...

"We are healthy only to the extent that our thoughts are humane"
- Kurt Vonnegut

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Film School?! That's sooo pretentious

Sooo... I got accepted to film school in Vancouver... On October 13th I'm laying my summer of partying officially to rest and embarking on a new adventure... this time 800ishkm West (as opposed to 3000 km east)

So much time, so little money...

I still will finish that 69 hour sketch adventure post... I have REALLY SKETCHY videos of me and Courtney! yay!

And in conclusion, the money shot. (click)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The End Of Days - Part 1

Join me on a 69 hour adventure...

...Through the far reaches of sketch.

8:00am, Friday June 30th - We are rudely awakened, today is the day we have to move. Now we have a whole shwack of problems as we only have the truck for 4 hours and have no idea how this will all work *stress* anyway we eat and do the final boxing up...

...And we clean up a bit as we move the large furniture out of the apartment and onto our Landlords front lawn hahaha... Courtney and I did a lot of the lifting... Syn did a lot of cleaning.

1:00pm - We have all the large furniture down and the rain clouds start moving in! The neighbors lend us their tarps and we brace for the oncoming storm - literally and figuratively... Only we had no idea of the crazy adventure that was in store for us!

We still look alive here hahaha... We'll see how long that lasts...

4:20pm - Ahh! 1184 Crawford! How I will miss you! I've returned from picking up the truck and the rain has ceased, off come the tarps and I maneuver all of our crap into the U-haul -- the U-haul I got to drive all over the city! Woo!

6:15pm - We arrive in the rain on our street and have the daunting task of moving everything (a 17 foot truck stuffed full) for the third time today only this time through a smaller doorway and up twisty stairs!

The couch doesn't fit through the door. We decide to ditch it in an alleyway. We are horrible human beings. Well.. we TRIED to bring it to Sally Ann but it didn't work and we had no time. We left at 7:30pm with only 30 minutes to return the truck before death. (Death by $75 fee)

We are too weak to haul our mother heavy dresser inside so it spends a few nights in the rain. We finally moved it today (Tuesday, July 4th, 2006) We leave a note to anyone it may concern...

Here we are driving back to the U-haul to drop off the truck. We have lifted all our furniture 3.5 times. The truck is late. Most of our furniture and boxes are still sitting outside on the sidewalk. We still have a fanciful notion that we plan on going to the "Hard As Fuck : 666" party to which we have tickets and Scott Brown is spinning!!! But we are very tired... =O

Uhh... I am very tired here and a little on the edge so don't mind how weird I am acting.. hehe. As I explain, we have just dropped off the truck and are in the middle of nowhere with no way to get to the metro and we are about to have a crazy bus finding adventure!

We stop off at a junk yard in sketchville and dance on a car...

9:00pm - We found a bus stop that will take us to Vendome metro station and we toast a bit while we wait for bus #90.

This is us on a crazy space mission in Vendome completely unaware of the craziness that was about to follow... Will we go to the party? What will happen? Oh the suspense! Tune in for Part 2 of the 69 hour day....

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Packing day... the day before the moving day...

Hello Packing Day, today we got to play with you! Hooray!!.. Back Pain! So we are moving all of our stuff to Courntey's new apartment where she will be living once she gets back here to Montreal, we are flying out back to Edmonton for a visit on the 5th of July and from there I don't know where I'll be living... It's been fun this city is amazing. I had my last day of work yesterday and had to say goodbye to all my friends there... aww... it was sad I really had come to love that place... I owe my newfoud fast typing skills to Nordia =D hooooray!! My friend Greg from New York and my friend Mark from Calgary (who is visiting me in July!) might have a kind of goodbye thing... somewhere on Saturday?? The details I've been given are sketchy... Friday after we move we're both headed to"Hard As Fuck: 666!!" With fuckin SCOTT BROWN!! OMG!! SWEET!! =D anyway here's some pics of our moving day...

Our bedroom almost packed up.. my life fits into 9 boxes and 3 suitcases... 2 Large ones and one small one... Jeremy do I have a poster to show you... and some magazines... lol

The Kitchen... in mid-pack

Our beatuiful living room ripped to shreads..

My computer is ready to be packed later tonight after I blog...

Me pretending to be packing for a photo...

edit : I am in the process of making my hair fun colours with black streaks or something.. so that's why it's bleach blonde =D That's one of those wierd things humans do... burning their scalp so their hair changed colour... odd creatures humans...

The C@7!!!

...Shit dudes.. I'm coming HOME!! Crazy..

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Saturday, June 24, 2006


Alright so here we're demoing this strange Montreal Foot Fashion... odd i know...

I werk here.

Me in the metro station... after work or something..

Riding the metro for 45 minutes home... bored enuff to play with my camera.

Liquiding by McGill metro station =D

I got my piercings redone and they're poi proof!! They have captive balls or something so you can hit them and whatever but only pliers can get them out =D This is a few minutes after I got them repierced =D I also fixed my eyebrow and it's metal again now!

Courtney and liquid =D


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Yeah it's comin..

I've been working on a good post (with pictures yay!) but instead you get this scary video until I'm done. =D

Zombie Murder Hypnosis Demonstration.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Welcome to Montreal...

This is just the beginning...

Today as I left work I received a text message from Courtney informing me that her pot seeking antics of the day had proved unsuccessful. I lashed into action bringing down with me a fury of pot locating action! "To the metro I say!"
Down in the metro this guy from my work was hopelessly trying to romance yet another girl from work... Now don't get me wrong, he is definently a nice guys but remember how it goes, "Nice guys always lose." Let's pray that is not the case or both I and he are looking towards a grim horizon... So we get talking I come over to say "Hi" because i genuinely think he's a friendly person and I don't' mind them friendly... It's when they smile too much, those are the ones you gotta watch out for... So we got talking he asked me what was planned for the night,
"Uhhh.. Well I haveta find some pot then go home, maybe smoke it and go to sleep." Now this probably came sounding to him about as interesting as his home made 'vanilla ice cream with smartie' bowls he so thoroughly enjoys on his nights alone in Montreal -- a rather humorous anecdote I must admit.
"There like blizzards or something... but.. cheaper..."
So at his stop on the orange line he invited me to come search for pot near the mountain, where he lives, I obliged thinking something like,
"Hooray! Another party joins the search! We can double our pot seeking efficiency at this rate!!!"
After showing me his house, offering to cook me chicken, getting me some white milk, demoing the CD of the acapella group he's in (he's a bass) and generally more chit chat we resumed the adventure; my hope of success at this point dwindling with the passing minute. Not only did this guy complete my mission (and from preppy kids too!!) he offered to walk me all the way to Atwater so I could catch the night bus home. (probably about a 45 minute walk or more) I was actually having fun with this kid but logic gave way to me catching the last metro home and cutting this strange but suprisingly comfortable meeting to a more abrupt close. We'll have to continue this adventure some other time I think we'll both agree on that.

So I took the last metro home...

At the bus stop I had to wait 20 minutes for my bus and I, as per usual when I have to wait for a long time at the bus stop, busted out my poi. I attracted the attention of a young (my age or slightly older) sketch case, a nice sketch case at that but very pleasantly sketchy. My kind of person, I bathe in sketch. He wanted to try my poi with very little success, not suprising after I learned that he was on day #2 and wanted to borrow my lighter to smoke crack. I lent him the lighter. Nice guy, pleasant but like so many of my meth addicted friends at home, hopelessly addicted to a drug. We talked for 10 minutes and rode the same bus home. We live on the same street and he went on to tell me that he strips at some place in the gay village and I could make over $200 a night. He wasn't pushy or anything just making conversation, I actually enjoyed his company somewhat. I can relate to him oddly enough... He mentioned he had determined I was gay, I asked and he told me he's bi. You'd think I was crazy if I told you how many men here simply have no sexual preference... it's all just sex here. I wished him well, I kinda hope I see him around...

I got home.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Fridge in the K-hole...

Here is our fridge today!!!
A work of sketchy art...
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Friday, June 02, 2006

I don't know if you like poetry...

I know, I know... You don't want to hear poetry.. Who the hell reads poetry? Poetry is for angsty teenagers... Well recently I dug up this gem, a relic from my poetry writing days. It is originally titled "Sad Men" but that is somewhat of an uninspired title so through some clever editing by Yours Truely, I fixed it up a bit.. Turn your litso this way, open your glazzies and viddy this horrorshow piece of.. work?

Two words... Awe Inspiring. Yes brothers, take this new found knowledge and spend it wisely, never let anyone tell you otherwise. They're just trying to poison your mind, like mine is already poisoned...


Anyway today is a strange day for me... a lot of stuff is happening to and in me and I wish I had Jer here for support... I need someone to keep me on the path and i dunno.. I have these sick inner desires that I hate driving me to do things I despise... Not to be too specific. My head is a fucking warzone and I don't know if I'll like the hardened person that emerges when the gunfire ceases and the machine guns stop the bloody rage of terror... Not to be overly metaphorical.

There is no food here, I have money just no time to buy groceries. I haven't eaten anything of substance in prolly 48 hours or so... Not drugs or anything I just down all these energy drinks to keep me going in my job and I don't really feel hungry.. Yeah I should stop that...

And I just figured out why I feel so crappy so I'll stop with the boo hoo hooing *wink*

I love you guys and I don't know what's gonna happen but Jeremy, if you read this, I really don't want our paths to separate... Who is here for me but you? I love you kiddo =D


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Old Pictures!!! Yay...

Hey kids, I DO have pictures of crazy stuff we've been up do (we are always up to something crazy) I am tired and I work tomorrow and I've been dying Courtney's hair random colours for the past while... anyway I'll try to get to it tomorrow, in the mean time please enjoy these photos! I found them from my photo archive... with a new photo browser I am using =D BIG SMILE =D It's called Picasa and it's from Google.. If you have trouble managing your photos, check it out. I like it far better than Adobe PhotoAlbum... don't get me started on all that crap.. anyway! For your viewing pleasure...

Pictures From Mount something rather...

A frozenish water fall in the early morning, November 12th/2004 Posted by Picasa

Looking onto the canyon below the falls. Early morning, November 12/2004 Posted by Picasa