I've made it my personal mission to remove the cheesy archaic saying "Merry Christmas" from my vocabulary. Instead I try "Enjoy your Christmas" or "Have a good Christmas", I believe that this makes the comment authentic. (at least more so) You see I dislike something about this "Christmas"... maybe it's that damn Christmas music that gets to me... maybe it's those awful Christmas movies everyone's rushing out to see... maybe it's because we're more inclined to give stuff and not hugs... who knows.
You know all those Christmas Teddies?
They end up in a landfill. =D
Anyway, I'm back on Edmonton for the Christmas break and I've been back about 9 days with only 7 days remaining until I must fly back for my next 10 month period @ school. The last two months were just a warm-up.
I spent the first few days of my time here in Edmonton mostly sleeping and depressed. Getting "back into the groove" of Edmonton brought with it a flood of unfinished business and old emotion that I had the pleasure of diving into. I felt like I was almost socially inept initially... didn't know what to say... in a sort of "after shock" of coming home. The whole week I spent visiting friends trying to make sure to see everyone who needs seeing. I took a huge load off my back by resolving some things that had been heavy on my mind since I left. Matters with old friends... Big things left unsaid. I feel a lot better and had a great weekend visiting with my cousin Tyler. We both entertain each other with our sharp wit ;) We also watched all 11 episodes of the new show "Heroes" and generally lazed about. Twas a good time had by all (well maybe not the adults... they were all upstairs and looked bored -- twas a full house this Christmas)
Not very exciting I know... but that's just Christmas for you.
To jazz things up a little I put a bit of work into a little project of mine, my first equirectangular panoramic image. In other words a 2:1 ratio image size, 360 degrees horizontal and 180 vertical -- made in such a way as to be projected onto a sphere -- see below...

When projected on a sphere looks like this...
So this is what my living room in Edmonton looks like in the days leading up to Christmas... see for yourself. Cool no? Don't mind the minor stitching errors (mostly caused by parallax I believe) and the big black hole in the middle of the living room... it all started with some super heavy elements wandering into the living room and before I knew it they caused a gravitational collapse and matter and energy inevitably collapsed to a density beyond the limits of known physics. Oh well, just pretend it isn't there...
Anyway Hope ur xMASS break is goin great!!!
Peace, love,