After that I was near school and needed to return some equipment and while I was there I borrowed a tripod over the christmas break and took it out for some sightseeing (of sorts) Actually I just composed 2 panoramic shots on the way home from the movie/school.
I think they're neat and I've been itching to build some panoramas for awhile now... now I finally have the know-how and the motivation (yay for school??) The first one I shot (the skytrain station) I was unsure if it would turn out and I think it turned out the best... I think I should have manually set the white balance for the second (the Science World Panorama) although I deemed it unnecessary in the darkened conditions and left it on auto... this shows slightly in the image... as well there are a few mistakes in the images. In the skytrain image the mistake is unavoidable due to subject movement and the Science World image I may need to re-render at a later date since it took me prolly about an hour to render, crop and fix at full resolution (pumped out a 24193 x 3285, 300dpi, 45.4Mb file hahaha - my computer was crawling...) so I'll save re-rendering for later but check em' out!! Soo cool!! =D

This is a view of the south east end of Vancouver's downtown (not much of downtown is visible from here) What is here however, is the stadium and "Science World". Although this is a cool picture, it's not yet perfect so appreciate it for what it is and not for what it isn't because it isn't a few things, one of them being perfect... It is however, cool for my first "real" panoramic image...
This next one is pretty cool to... it's a tribute to the SkyTrain that I have to ride every day... and I hate so much! I hate you SkyTrain! You are too crowded in the mornings... you make me feel like a cow.

That's all kiddies! Hope you like my handiwork... it's taken me like... 4 hours of stitching... time to make some food and then sleep. Have to sign the tenant agreement for my new apartment tomorrow! Hooray!
1 comment:
Fab work LoVeS it All
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