So long story short (due to time constraints and whatnot) We wanted plants to beautify our apartment. We are poor. One plus one equals three and so we decided to buy cheap flower pots from Walmart and then just steal (we prefer the term "adopt) plants off rich peoples lawns. This was a tactic similar to our Christmas tree attaining antics last Christmas (we chopped it down at 4am from the walmart parking lot, stuffed it in Courtney's mom's station wagon and decked the halls) We found dirt alright but the plants are proving to be an issue -- not only that, the flowers we did find our cat eats and they died.
And for your enjoyment or something...
Dirt. Stolen. The way I like it.
Me. Before my hair cut. Man I needed it. I trust you'll agree. Whatever.
Cat. In the window. It wants out. Enough fragment sentences. Now.
Yup. Still alive. Still bored. Courtney -- still studying. I recently have become fascinated with physics games (I even made a couple once.. balls bouncing off curved surfaces and the like, it was to become a minigolf game but only ever saw the alpha stages... also one simulating gravity and wind resistance ect...) so I've discovered this wonderful little game called bridge builder. You make bridges and watch your beautiful creations collapse in real time as you run a train across them!! Succeed and you move to the next level. Let me show you the sad story of one of my yet unfinished creations...
Here we see "edit mode" where I'm working on a crazy complicated double arch bridge to span a massive gap. I've learned there are three types of bridges : Truss bridges (which span small distances), arch bridges (bigger distances) and suspension bridges (very big distances)
So for the sake of this example I'm going to scrap my amazing bridge and watch it burn. I press test and immediately I'm made aware that my bridge is under immense stress! (Being unfinished) It might snap!
Oh my! A few critical beams have snapped!!
The bridge begins plummeting into the channel below, all in real time!
More plummeting...
ARG!! Snappy snap crap.. Pop... It plunges into the murky depths!
Floats for a few seconds...
Before coming to rest on the (ocean?) floor. It will sleep with the fishies!!
But wait!!! You can build your own disaster! You can even launch trains into the murky depths!! This is hours of wasted time waiting to happen!! Go-go gadget download!!!
And hey when you get bored of that.. Check out the tower of goo!!! For another few minutes of good clean gooey fun!!
Hmm.. Things are lame here in our house in Frenchville St. French for the moment. Courtney has finals so in my time off work I mustnot disturb her... and thus I am forced to spend my time hanging out with my computer for some long deserved quality time. I've searched the vast reached of the internet and brought back with me a collection of samples for your viewing. The features are as follows :
So much to say and such petty words with which to say it. Well they say the eyes are the window to the soul so here you go.. Take a look... That is me after work on my long commute back home. I am tired.. Not so much physically as mentally... These people at my work are pretentious and i have to be always on my toes to not be made a fool of. It gets trying. *sigh*
Anyway yesterday I had a little meltdown and well... I miss you Jeremy. I wish you were here to talk to because at times like that only you understand a word that comes out of my mouth. I don't know what I'm going to do.. It seems inevitable that we should end up separated and... Well I don't know how to deal with it.
On a completely different note!!! Something MAD sketchy happened!! Someone (or something???) was in our bedroom while we were sleeping. There is a door in our bedroom to the rear balcony (which has stairs down) and this is the sight we awoke to... The door has both a lock (which we are more than 100% sure WAS infact locked) AND one of those slidey chains which was undone!!! We tried all our keys and none of them fit the lock and i went outside and it was possible for someone to manouver the chain open from the outside (which i immediately fixed) Nothing was missing despite the fact that we had laptops, computer equipment and $500 sitting on the kitchen table... So we are very sketched out. We told the landlord and we're changing the locks. Stalker? Maybe.. it seems i attract psychos. (Haha to all of you kids :p)
Anyway I love you guys so much (especially you Dave, Vicky, Brandon and Jer) remember that time with that stuff? hahaha... good times...
Yay! No pictures today (sorry I'm lazy and it's WAYY to late to be awake, I just had to cook a lunch for tomorrow) but I have some great news!
I started my new job and it's hella spatulariffic! It's working as a communications assistant doing relay work over the phone for the hearing/speech impaired =D It's a really nice place and maybe I'll actually have some kind of... What do you humans call it... j0b SaTiSF@cti0N?
Anyway hopefully soon I can get pics...
Better news: It looks like my pay period will line up in such a way that I'll have 2 consecutive weeks of pay! Hurray for not being completelypenniless! We can fill our fridge again!
It is a day of much rejoicing. Stand and sing with me won't you?
P.S. To top it all of, yes kids, I finally stopped complaining and got my hair cut by this girl Julia (from Massachusetts)... Courtney touched up the back and I like my hair once again. Arn't you SOO excited.. anyway maybe I'll show u pictures but maybe that's to boring... dot dot dot...
It was a sunny day, I awoke @ 1pm and decided a walk in the sunshine was in order. We decided we'd try to have some fun on our Saturday. Despite our valient efforts @ turing the mundane day into a crazy adventure, we returned home empty handed and unfullfilled. We attempted to colour Courtney's hair (step 3 of 3) Our plans seem to be foiled by Courtney's ruthless, cunning hair... Alas, the day it seems, was a complete failure.
Let the pictures tell our sad, sad tale of woe.
This is the "fat wigger guy." He comes out-of-the-box equipped with a horrible dollar store cross "bling"(and I use that term loosely), and some shoes with american dollar bills printed across the fabric. We laughed and laughed, then tooka picture for all to enjoy the sad attempt at wiggerness.
2 nite when I got back from work Courtney was busy studying and we wanted to go dance but there really is nothing amazing happening 2nite (that doesn't cost $35) hahaha.. I price I can only dream of affording (I remember the days I blew thousands of $$$ on drugs, oh those were the days.. kinda... =S In retrospect I can think of better ways to spend money... which is good.) Anyway... (Stop making tangents Jeremy -- No! You stop doing drugs and talking to yourself sketchcase!!!)
ANYWAY... She really needed a break from studying so we had a poi sesh in our unused bedroom!!! (We call it the sketchy room) So she learned the reverse 3 beat (she had a good teacher) AND I finally conquered the reverse 5 beat AND the reverse Behind the back 3 beat!! Woo! Now this may all seem like gibberish to some of you but, for all you unenlightening non-poi folk (we call you "the normies") I made a funfun video!! Yay!
You will see me here first starting with the forward 5 beat and going to a 5 beat righthand 360 into a 5 beat lefthand 360... then I massively screw up a Behind the back 3 beat a couple times before I bust out my MAD skillz *rolleseyes* Then I transition into this coolie combo I came up with.. It's like a sweepity sweep TO THE MAX!! And then I show you kids the reverse 5 beat I just learned. =D
I'm sure some people are like -- wtf are you doing? that's lame. But poi is MAD awesome!! It's like a discipline... It's calming is many ways and it makes you big and strong *wink*
Anyway I thot it'd be cool to have a video on here so nj0i kids =D
P.S. You can see our living room here... It's kinda messy right now and the rug is gone for now cuz an ashtray spilled on it (it's a white shag area rug =D) but in the background you will see our bedroom through the windows. Yes, I know what you're thinking, you CAN crawl through them.. It's fun.
Well a relatively uneventful day if I do say so myself. (And I do obviously...) I'm soooo eager to begin my new job on Monday (YES!!!) everyday I work @ Consumer Contact it wears on me =(
There's this cool girl Bonnie there tho... maybe I'll get a picture tomorrow... anyway she's a raver from Winnipeg (Winnipeg!?! Well.. I guess I'm a raver from Edmonton.. that's almost as bad hahaha) she's Asian & we've decided she's gonna help me create the perfect Beef & Broccoli. (like the stuff from the mall!) Her parents own a Chinese restaurant (what Chinese couple doesn't?) and so she cooks Chinese!!! Plus she's prolly the coolest person I've met here thus far. It's not that I haven't met cool people it's just I haven't met many people (Save some kids from Ottawa & Quebec City) that I consider to be potential good friends. I dunno how to explain it.. the people I've met are kinda... crazy.. like... kinda.. Scary? In some ways...
And now for something completely different!!
Washing dishes!!! yay! Can you believe that I spent 1.5 hours washing the fucking dishes!?! I live in a perpetual state of dishwashing. There are ALWAYS dirty dishes in this house. The house is quite hard to keep clean I'm finding out... now I understand why my mom had us kids wash the dishes. Man when I'm not poor and living on my own I'm buying a dishwasher. Dishes suck. Nuff said.
Despite their shittiness - Enjoy the dishwashing photo!! I think I look kinda stupid in it so It's edited for your viewing pleasure... or displeasure..or something..
And just for good measure... here's a random pic of Courtney (her hair is in stage 1 of 3) She has a 9:00am lab tomorrow so we couldn't complete stage 2 today... And I'm supposed to go see a counselor at Dawson CEGEP tomorrow @ 1:30 so I have to *WAKE UP EARLY* deathdeathdeath!!! ugh!!
You know I've actually begun sitting @ work and worrying that I won't have anything interesting to post here? I had to jot down a crappy idea @ werk because up to that point in the day it was the "funniest" thing that had happened. I was worried I'd have to half-ass a blog but golly gee, I've got you a humdinger!
Well today after work (OMG!!! =< *hatehatehate*) we had a streaking party!!! Well... uhh.. not THAT kind... We are beginning an undertaking to make Courtney'd hair FunCrazyriffic! Check it out... So yes here you see Courtney looking Sexy and me looking Sexy as ever... pfft... yeah right, if only I could afford a haircut. Just thank God your not here to hear me bitching that I need a haircut everyday...Wait this is way off topic...
So we (uhh I mean I =P) used foils... being an amateur foilist and hair designer it was a little tedious to start but.. this is going nowhere.
Today we are going to take a tour of my work.. kinda.. and by tour I mean I have pictures of me being bored while calling middle market companies and asking them about their banks after arguing with their sexually frustrated secretaries. Well.. NOT ANYMORE!! My productivity went from about 1.47 to about 0.2 in a month and thus I am banished to nightshift where I spend my miserable time calling miserable people asking them about their smoking habits and the like...
ANYWAY!! Onwards!!! Off we go then..
Ooi!! Hey there! Werk can be.. fun? No that's not right... boring. Yeah. That's the one.
What are you looking at?? HUH!? You think ur something huh!? This is me looking at you like a phr3@k. phr3@k. Stay away from my work cube. =P
This is the bathroom. A boy's gotta pee. I wish I'd photographed the urinals... The building (like most buildings here) is ancient and thus the years of splattered urine has taken it's toll and begun eating away at the tiles. Can you say repulsive? I sure can. Repulsive. (see? told you i could.) Anyway the place smells like urine 24/7. I only hang out here to listen to music on my "washroom break" =D
And there you have it!! The highlights of work at Contact aux Consummteur of however you spell it (French.. bah)
Here's some pics from climbing the mountain.. they're all taken on my cell phone and thus have a low resolution... but that all may change soon as I am considering selling my current camera in favor of a new, less good, more compact digital device! God be praised! ;) This Here is Courtney on the cliff we just climbed looking sketchy =D ...You will see Shane looking sketchy as well in the background...
And this is yours truly, what more can be said? Notice crappy Laval in the background. (The other side of the mountain which we were at later has a breathtaking view of downtown)
I had to wipe and restore my computer as it got SEVERLY DAMAGED in the move (it was ripped to shreds and I had to reapply the thermal bond between the processor and heatsink to make it work) so my cellphone ripping software is not properly configured. (I don't have the USB to serial port driver) As a result I cannot upload all the fun picture I have for you kids as I go about my daily adventures.. but SOON! ...Soon my friends we'll all be able to indulge.
Anyway we climbed the mountian (Get it "Mount Royal = "Montreal" - it's in the middle of the city) today with my crazy sketchy cool friend Shane (I met him @ my work @ "Contact aux Consummetur") as well as a bunch of kids from McGill (All Americans) We phr3@king took the hardest route, we climbed a phr3@king cliff!! It was crazy. From the top you can see the whole city, it's an impressive view.
Prior to all this: Every Sunday in the MASSIVE park below Mount Royal there is a madssive hippie-fest (the largest unorganized gathering in North America) It's called the "Tam-tams" and they bring tons of drums as well as other various musical devices... Poi & staff spinners and jugglers and merchants and hippies and sketchy ravers and TONS of sketchies!! It was like the "kickoff" sorta today (Alot smaller than usual) The weather here is SPRING!!! But it's supposed to get colder again for a week or 2 before actual spring but here's hopin' =D I'm totally hitting this place up whence SKETCHY AS FUCK! Woo =D
Anyway we came down from the mountain and returned to the student ghetto and got beer (STELLA!!!) and went to an Irish pub and watched this guy Eric (A friend of this cool girl Becka) play guitar and sing becuase he lost a bet @ poker. He was actually quite talented. Then Julia and her boyfriend Patrick arrived with the cookies they had made!!! Never had homemade cookies @ a pub... First time for everything I guess.
D00ds I'm so screwed! hehehe.. rent is comin up @ April 7th and I got kicked off of dayshifts (nightshift = shorter shifts and less money) and I'm super screwed! Yay! Well at least I can feed myself out of the trashcan. You always gotta look at the positive side of life... uhh.. yeah.
My grandma made cookies and stuff for me and phones me about a week ago and left a message for me to get her my address -- here's the thing, I don't want to have an hour long conversation with her but I really want her gift package (would the cookies even still be good?) Anyway I feel MAD bad about the whole situation (among various other bad situations) and I dunno what to do!
Ugh... I should just swallow my anguish and call her.