So long story short (due to time constraints and whatnot) We wanted plants to beautify our apartment. We are poor. One plus one equals three and so we decided to buy cheap flower pots from Walmart and then just steal (we prefer the term "adopt) plants off rich peoples lawns. This was a tactic similar to our Christmas tree attaining antics last Christmas (we chopped it down at 4am from the walmart parking lot, stuffed it in Courtney's mom's station wagon and decked the halls) We found dirt alright but the plants are proving to be an issue -- not only that, the flowers we did find our cat eats and they died.
And for your enjoyment or something...

Dirt. Stolen. The way I like it.

Me. Before my hair cut. Man I needed it. I trust you'll agree. Whatever.

Cat. In the window. It wants out. Enough fragment sentences. Now.
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