There's this cool girl Bonnie there tho... maybe I'll get a picture tomorrow... anyway she's a raver from Winnipeg (Winnipeg!?! Well.. I guess I'm a raver from Edmonton.. that's almost as bad hahaha) she's Asian & we've decided she's gonna help me create the perfect Beef & Broccoli. (like the stuff from the mall!) Her parents own a Chinese restaurant (what Chinese couple doesn't?) and so she cooks Chinese!!! Plus she's prolly the coolest person I've met here thus far. It's not that I haven't met cool people it's just I haven't met many people (Save some kids from Ottawa & Quebec City) that I consider to be potential good friends. I dunno how to explain it.. the people I've met are kinda... crazy.. like... kinda.. Scary? In some ways...
And now for something completely different!!
Washing dishes!!! yay! Can you believe that I spent 1.5 hours washing the fucking dishes!?! I live in a perpetual state of dishwashing. There are ALWAYS dirty dishes in this house. The house is quite hard to keep clean I'm finding out... now I understand why my mom had us kids wash the dishes. Man when I'm not poor and living on my own I'm buying a dishwasher. Dishes suck. Nuff said.
Despite their shittiness - Enjoy the dishwashing photo!! I think I look kinda stupid in it so It's edited for your viewing pleasure... or displeasure.. or something..

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