Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mountain Climbing and alcohol...

I had to wipe and restore my computer as it got SEVERLY DAMAGED in the move (it was ripped to shreds and I had to reapply the thermal bond between the processor and heatsink to make it work) so my cellphone ripping software is not properly configured. (I don't have the USB to serial port driver) As a result I cannot upload all the fun picture I have for you kids as I go about my daily adventures.. but SOON! ...Soon my friends we'll all be able to indulge.

Anyway we climbed the mountian (Get it "Mount Royal = "Montreal" - it's in the middle of the city) today with my crazy sketchy cool friend Shane (I met him @ my work @ "Contact aux Consummetur") as well as a bunch of kids from McGill (All Americans) We phr3@king took the hardest route, we climbed a phr3@king cliff!! It was crazy. From the top you can see the whole city, it's an impressive view.

Prior to all this:
Every Sunday in the MASSIVE park below Mount Royal there is a madssive hippie-fest (the largest unorganized gathering in North America) It's called the "Tam-tams" and they bring tons of drums as well as other various musical devices... Poi & staff spinners and jugglers and merchants and hippies and sketchy ravers and TONS of sketchies!! It was like the "kickoff" sorta today (Alot smaller than usual) The weather here is SPRING!!! But it's supposed to get colder again for a week or 2 before actual spring but here's hopin' =D I'm totally hitting this place up whence SKETCHY AS FUCK! Woo =D

Anyway we came down from the mountain and returned to the student ghetto and got beer (STELLA!!!) and went to an Irish pub and watched this guy Eric (A friend of this cool girl Becka) play guitar and sing becuase he lost a bet @ poker. He was actually quite talented. Then Julia and her boyfriend Patrick arrived with the cookies they had made!!! Never had homemade cookies @ a pub... First time for everything I guess.

And now I'm @ home nicely toasted.

L8r kids, I'll post pics next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
